Olivier looks into the camera as he leans forward. He has short dark hair and a goatee.

Olivier Landreville

Set Designer

Québec set designer Olivier Landreville makes his Pacific Opera Victoria debut as set designer for the company’s 2022 production of Bizet’s Carmen.

M. Landreville graduated in Theatre from the Collège Lionel-Groulx in 1993, and has been honing his skills on the Montreal scene in some of the most celebrated productions in recent memory.

His design for David Young’s Antarktikos led to his participation at the 2003 Prague Quadriennal International Competitive Exhibition of Scenography and Theatre Architecture. He is the recipient of four Prix Gémeaux (the French language equivalent of the Gemini Awards) and numerous nominations at the Gala des Masques (Québec’s Theatre Academy award show) for his creative work.

Recent designs for Opéra de Montréal include Written on Skin, Carmen, Falstaff, Faust, La bohème, and Pagliacci/Gianni Schicchi.

His theatre designs over some 25 years include, most recently, Les filles et les garçons (Théâtre de la Manufacture); Bonjour, là, bonjour and Le timide à la cour (Théâtre Denise Pelletier); Enfant insignifiant! (Théâtre Duceppe); L’homme éléphant, Vol au dessus d’un nid de coucou, and Le Misanthrope (Théâtre du Rideau Vert); Les enfants d’Adam and Clara (Théâtre de l’Opsi); and What’s in a name (Segal Centre).

He has also designed for Circus (Cirque du Soleil, 7 Doigts de la main & Autonomous, École Nationale de Cirque) and for television and variety shows (KOTV, Radio Canada, Zone 3).

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